“The Ungovernable Revolt that Disturbs the Sleep of Rulers”
by Facção Fictícia
Originally published here.
Translation note:
English language context for events in Brazil since 2013 is sorely lacking. Almost all “left” communications from Brazil are practically mouth-pieces of Lula and his Partido do Trabalhador (PT), with very little access to anarchist currents.
What follows is a very rough translation aimed at proliferating information about and analysis of some of the vibrant struggles in the south.
For context, this text was written in January 2020, with Lula out of prison, and the PT (and their puppets) blaming anarchists and anti-authoritarians for their electoral demise. In this case, an anarchist militant is being accused of having fascist sympathies for a video depicting her expressing solidarity with a political prisoner during the revolt of 2013. This prisoner was being persecuted for punching the Secretary of Government Works at a removal operation in the lead up to the World Cup. Unfortunately, he turned out to have extreme right leanings, and this has been used to defame this militant and has spread to include conspiracy theories of pizza-gate proportions.
Some specific context english-speaking audiences may not know will be communicated in footnotes.
New Orleans, LA